The theme of our 2020 annual meeting was “LOOK WITHIN”; when you look within PTA you will see advocacy. Advocacy is the core of this organization and is what sets us apart from other organizations. There are so many individuals and PTA units that are doing wonderful things through their advocacy efforts. Every day, state, regional and local PTAs across the country and around the world go above and beyond to advocate for children. Their efforts have made tangible improvements for children, families and communities. In Massachusetts advocacy efforts are evident. Each year we celebrate our individual advocates and our local unit advocacy campaigns. This year we celebrate two individuals that have a long history of advocating for children:

Kim Savery – She is a former MA PTA President, a past Federal Legislative Chair and past member of the Board of the National PTA. She is currently a very active member of her local school committee and the Massachusetts School Committees Association. Her advocacy areas include Common Core, the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act and the new MCAS tests. She has been working on the state’s funding mechanisms for schools with the Massachusetts Association of School Committees. Further, she works to empower children. Kim has advocated around equality issues designed to make schools a safe and fair place for students regardless of how they identify.

Maryann Stewart – She is a past member of the MA PTA Board, a past President and past Federal Legislative Chair from MA. She is on the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education as the parent representative, the voice for parents. The MA PTA recommends a parent to fill this vacancy and she has served in this role since her appointment in 2014. She advocates for what is in the best interests of parents and their children. She has been active in the schools and in town government, serving as an elected representative to Town Meeting since 2006 and on the School Committee from 2009-2014 where she lead as Chair from 2011-2012. She also serves as a member of the National Advisory Council for Media Literacy Now.

Salisbury PTA – They are the Outstanding Unit Advocate of the Year. PTAs provide mission driven fundraising in order to provide enrichment opportunities and advocacy for every child. Salisbury PTA exemplifies this with their advocacy campaigns. They look for solutions to problems and act to implement ideas. They are recognized for their: Breakfast after the Bell initiatives; Installation of water filtration system; The Parent Speaker Series and the Creation of “We Are Triton.”
These are great examples of advocacy efforts that support the PTA mission and further our “every child, one voice” moto.

Every day, state, regional and local PTAs across the country and around the world go above and beyond to advocate for children. Their efforts have made real, tangible improvements for children, families and communities. At this year’s Legislative Conference, we want to spotlight these efforts—and learn from them. To achieve this objective, National PTA is proud to announce that this year’s Legislative Conference will feature PTA Advocacy Spotlight presentations. This is an opportunity for state, regional or local PTAs to share stories of how they have taken action for kids.
Applications are now being accepted to present a PTA Advocacy Spotlight at the 2020 Legislative Conference. Applications close on Tuesday, November 12.
This toolkit is designed to provide sample social media and newsletter messages that can be used to share the PTA Advocacy Spotlight opportunity with PTA leaders in your states.
Sample Tweet 1: NEW from @NationalPTA for #PTALegCon 2020 – PTA Advocacy Spotlight presentations! Apply now to share your PTA’s advocacy story. Applications due 11/12. Details here: https://forms.gle/JyS9jNeDFAZ9QmGd7
Sample Tweet 2: Has your PTA successfully advocated for change at the local, state or federal level? Apply to share your story @NationalPTA’s #PTALegCon 2020! Applications due 11/12. Details here: https://forms.gle/JyS9jNeDFAZ9QmGd7
Sample Tweet 3: Is there an issue that inspired your PTA to take action for kids? Share your story @NationalPTA’s #PTALegCon 2020! Applications for PTA Advocacy Spotlights accepted until 11/12. Details at https://forms.gle/CmDL3aCo2vvMYHpq5
Sample Tweet 4: The deadline to apply for @NationalPTA’s PTA Advocacy Spotlight is approaching fast! Share your PTA’s success story! https://forms.gle/CmDL3aCo2vvMYHpq5
Facebook Post 1:
New this year at National PTA’s Legislative Conference: PTA Advocacy Spotlights! Has your PTA advocated for change at the local, state or federal level? Apply to present a PTA Advocacy Spotlight and share your story. Applications are open through November 12. Details at https://forms.gle/CmDL3aCo2vvMYHpq5
Facebook Post 2:
The deadline is approaching fast to apply for National PTA’s PTA Advocacy Spotlight!
If your PTA has a story of advocating effectively for change at the local, state or federal level, apply to present at National PTA’s 2020 Legislative Conference.
Apply now: https://forms.gle/CmDL3aCo2vvMYHpq5
Facebook Post 3:
Is there an issue that inspired your PTA to take action for kids? Don’t miss the chance to apply to share your PTA’s advocacy story at National PTA’s 2020 LegCon. Details at https://forms.gle/CmDL3aCo2vvMYHpq5
Apply to share your PTA’s Advocacy Story!
Has your PTA advocated effectively for change at the local, state or federal level? Does your PTA have a strategy for advancing National PTA’s Public Policy Agenda? We want to hear from you! This year, National PTA’s Legislative Conference will feature PTA Advocacy Spotlights – a chance for state, regional or local PTAs to share stories of an issue that inspired them to take action for kids. Apply today to share your PTA’s advocacy story through the PTA Advocacy Spotlights!
The deadline to submit a nomination is Tuesday, November 12.