Massachusetts PTA Leadership consists of the Executive Committee (President, President Elect, VP of Leadership, Treasurer, and Secretary) and 9 Standing Committees as stated in our Bylaws (Article X, Section 2). Additional Special Committees can be formed by the President with the permission of the Board of Directors to address specific issues that may come up during a term.
Additionally, as per our Bylaws (Article VII: Duties of Officers, Section 2.l.) the President serves as an ex-officio member of all committees of the Massachusetts PTA except for the Nominating Committee.
If you are interested in our leadership opportunities please fill out a Letter of Interest and send to
The 2022-2024 Standing Committees and their members are as follows:
2022 Special Committees include:
Job Descriptions
(Massachusetts PTA Committee Members)
Note: Expect two to five hours per week to complete Massachusetts PTA work.
Please note: each committee chair should submit a committee report to the Board of Directors at each meeting. This may not be discussed at each meeting due to time constraints but this ensures each committee is accomplishing their duties that assist the Massachusetts PTA in fulfilling the mission of PTA- to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
These are not full committee descriptions and goals. Please refer to the individual committee on this website for more details!
Advocacy Chairperson and Committee shall:
- Promote the Massachusetts PTA advocacy efforts;
- Identify statewide education issues;
- Recommend positions on education issues and develop position statements;
- Testify on education issues as requested;
- Develop articles for the newsletter or informational brochures to inform parents about educational concerns;
Budget Chairperson (Treasurer) and Committee shall:
- Prepare a proposed draft of the annual budget (The draft shall be completed by the Annual Meeting of each year);
- Ensure that the Massachusetts PTA and all local units stay up-to-date on audits and 990 reports each year
Convention Chairperson (President-Elect) and Committee shall:
- Work with the Board of Directors to plan and execute the Massachusetts PTA Annual Convention.
- Review and select award recipients, with the help of the Vice President of Leadership
Communications Chairperson and Committee shall:
- Work on improving and updating the Massachusetts PTA website;
- Help draft the monthly Massachusetts PTA e-newsletters;
- Connect with other committee chairs to develop newsletter content;
- Work with Membership Committee to research local unit websites and social media presence;
- Help with the transition of online membership reporting via MemberHub
Corporate Partnership Chairperson and Committee shall:
- Put together a sponsorship recruitment packet and make connections with current and future sponsors;
- Connect with National PTA regarding companies that are National sponsors;
- Keep the entire Board of Directors aware of new and current sponsors;
- Work with other committee chairs for their specific sponsorship needs
Diversity Chairperson and Committee shall:
- Identify and research statewide Diversity issues;
- Recommend positions on diversity issues and develop position statements and work with other committees as needed;
- Work with local units to develop minority leaders
Health & Wellness Chairperson and Committee shall:
- Identify and research statewide health and safety issues;
- Promote PTA awareness of action regarding children’s health and safety needs;
- Keep abreast of trends affecting health and safety issues, including pending legislation and attend related seminars and conferences when able;
- Promote and advocate for all Massachusetts Children and Families to have access to affordable and appropriate health care and knowledge;
- Stay involved in the promotion and implementation of health programs, on Immunization and HPV through education, community, family and child- oriented programs, collaborations and partnerships;
- Encourage and support all efforts to ensure that all Massachusetts Children and Families have the healthiest nutrition and healthy eating education in their schools, in their homes and community programs that address the issues of childhood obesity and food insecurities;
- Promote, encourage and assist Healthy Exercise and Fitness within the home, the schools and communities
Extension/Membership Chairperson and Committee shall:
- Promote and coordinate the state membership program;
- Coordinate membership activities and work with the Vice President of Leadership to recruit and retain members;
- Take actions to notify units of their good standing according to the procedures outlined in the standing rules;
- Work with Communications Committee to research local unit websites and social media presence;
- Arrange for membership awards and distribute certificates and prizes to those not in attendance
Nominations Chairperson and Committee shall:
- Select at least one nominee for each office to be filled at the Convention of the Massachusetts PTA;
- Present to the Board of Directors nominations for offices in which vacancies occur during the term of office of the committee
Reflections Program Chairperson and Committee shall:
- Prepare the Reflections Handbook for annual distribution to all the local units;
- Coordinate judging of the awards
- Compile forms to be sent to National PTA and mail winning entries to National PTA electronically;
- Notify unit Presidents of winners;
- Arrange the Reflections display at the Massachusetts PTA Convention;
- Present Reflections workshops or webinars
Regional Liaisons:
- Attend all meetings of the Board of Directors, unless excused by the President, and to serve on board committees as assigned;
- Organize local PTAs and councils;
- Plan and conduct conferences as determined by the board of directors;
- Present PTA work to non-PTA groups;
- Keep in contact with PTAs to make sure the mission and vision of PTA is being fulfilled;
- Submit items for the Massachusetts PTA Newsletter containing interesting work of local units;
- Visit each local PTA at least once, if possible, during term of office
Special Education Chairperson and Committee shall:
- Identifies and researches statewide special education issues;
- Keep abreast of trends affecting special education issues, including pending legislation and attend related seminars and conferences when able;
- Make connections with special education groups throughout Massachusetts
Youth Chairperson and Committee shall:
- Work to identify issues that are of interest of the youth of today;
- Work alongside the Advocacy and Health Chairs to advocate for children across the state